题目: [理论室报告] Phase transitions and quantum transport in higher-order topological insulators
时间: 2024年01月03日 14:30
地点: [理论室报告] Phase transitions and quantum transport in higher-order topological insulators
报告人: 李长安

(Würzburg University)



Higher-order topological insulators (HOTIs) are new topological states of matter featuring different bulk-edge correspondence from their conventional counterparts. In this talk, I will first discuss how will disorder induce higher-order topological nontrivial phases, i.e., higher-order topological Anderson insulators. I will then present how to utilize the transport properties of topological hinge modes in 3D HOTIs to construct a unique higher-order Fabry-Pérot interferometer with particular interference features. 

Refs: 1, C. A. Li et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 125 166801(2020);
2, C. A. Li et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 127 026803(2021).

报告人简介:Dr. Chang-An Li is a postdoc researcher at institute for theoretical physics and astrophysics, Würzburg University, Germany. He obtained his B.S. from Beijing Normal University in 2014 and his Ph.D in physics from The University of Hong Kong in 2019. After working as a postdoc at Westlake University in 2020, he moved to Würzburg University as a postdoc researcher. He mainly works on novel quantum phases of matter and their quantum transport properties.
